Hypnotherapy for ADD, Performance, & Productivity

Is something keeping you from reaching your full potential?

You know you have it within you to succeed in work or school, but something’s getting in the way. Maybe it’s procrastination—despite your desire to achieve, you struggle to get things done when they need to be. It might be challenges with organization, time management, or perfectionism that are keeping you stuck.

You want to feel secure in your position and confident interacting with your peers and superiors. You want to get out of your own way, but nothing you’ve tried has seemed to work.

School Performance

Career Growth


Hypnotherapy can help you better prioritize, organize, and create habits that support your goals.

What would it mean to get that promotion you’ve always wanted? To feel secure in what you bring to the table at school or work, knowing that you have what it takes to meet (and maybe even exceed) what’s expected of you? To quiet that inner critic that tells you all of this isn’t possible?

We all have a lot of “chatter” going on in our minds—it’s what keeps us unfocused, causes us to second guess ourselves, and results in things like procrastination and disorganization. We can consciously desire to change these things all we want, but if we don’t address them at a deeper level, they often keep cropping up.

Hypnosis for ADD, performance, and productivity helps quiet that chatter by bringing the subconscious mind (where the beliefs are rooted) and the conscious mind (where the desire to change lives) into agreement. When this happens, you can begin to see real, long-term change in your behaviors, beliefs, and ability to deliver & perform.


Hypnotherapy can help you:

  • Activate your relaxation response

  • Change the deep-rooted beliefs that are holding you back

  • Increase your ability to prioritize, organize, and manage impulsivity

  • Become more aware of your thoughts and feelings

  • Extend compassion to yourself and others


Small changes add up to big accomplishments.

  • One of the many benefits of hypnotherapy is that it begins working quickly. Many clients begin to see changes after just the first session. However, the total amount of time we’ll work together depends on your needs. The subconscious mind requires repetition in order to adapt permanently, so while you will hopefully begin to notice improvement quickly, we’ll work together over time to support the long-term change you’re looking for.

  • Hypnotherapy helps quiet the busyness in your mind and body that limits your ability to prioritize, organize, and deliver effectively. While your conscious mind may desire to perform better, it only takes up 12% of your mind. The other 88% is your subconscious mind, where the deep-rooted beliefs and behaviors are held. Through relaxation and hypnotherapy, we can bring your subconscious and conscious minds into agreement in order to help you reach your goals.

  • Hypnotherapy sessions are $150. Each session is 60 minutes. Contact me for more information.

  • You will get the most out of hypnotherapy if you feel comfortable with your therapist. That’s why I offer a free consultation: it’s an opportunity for you to get to know me, ask any questions you may have, and determine if I’m the right fit for you. Click this link to schedule your consultation at a time that works for you.


Frequently asked questions