Habit, Lifestyle, & Weight Loss Hypnosis

Have you done everything to try and make a change...but nothing has seemed to work?

Maybe you have weight loss goals you can’t ever seem to reach, or perhaps you feel controlled by a severe fear or phobia as it impacts your ability to go about day-to-day life. You may have a certain habit—binge or emotional eating, smoking, or caffeine consumption—you can’t seem to break, no matter what you do.

You’ve tried everything to take back the control these things have over you, but nothing has resulted in real, long-lasting change. You want something different...something that will actually work.

Weight Loss

Fears & Phobias

Emotional Eating

Hypnotherapy can help you change your behavior by addressing it at the source.

What if you could take back control from these things in your life? What would it mean if you could extend compassion to yourself, no longer beating yourself up for not “getting over” these things on your own? How would you feel after finally achieving your goals?

Our habits are controlled by the subconscious mind. That is why, despite all of your conscious efforts to change them, they persist. The subconscious does not like things that are unknown. It would rather stay with things that are painful, harmful, or unhelpful rather than step into the unknown.

In habit, lifestyle, & weight loss hypnosis, we use hypnotherapy to help the subconscious make changes.


Hypnotherapy can help you:

  • Replace undesirable or bad habits with healthier, more productive ones

  • Change the deep-rooted beliefs that are holding you back

  • Establish new coping and stress reduction strategies

  • Become more aware of your thoughts and feelings

  • Extend compassion to yourself and others


The power to change is within you.

  • Often, clients report beginning to see results after just one session of hypnotherapy. That’s one of the benefits of it—it works quickly! However, the total amount of time we’ll work together depends on your needs. The subconscious mind requires repetition in order to adapt permanently, so while you will hopefully begin to notice improvement quickly, we’ll work together over time to support the long-term change you’re looking for.

  • Consciously, you may desire to start or stop certain behaviors, but only 12% of your mind is conscious. The other 88% is subconscious, where your deep-rooted beliefs, behaviors, and habits actually reside. The subconscious mind is resistant to change, which is why consciously changing behaviors can be very difficult. In hypnotherapy, we are able to access and ultimately change the subconscious mind, bringing it into agreement with your conscious desires to alter your behavior and create better habits.

  • Hypnotherapy sessions are $150. Each session is 60 minutes. Contact me for more information.

  • You will get the most out of hypnotherapy if you feel comfortable with your therapist. That’s why I offer a free consultation: it’s an opportunity for you to get to know me, ask any questions you may have, and determine if I’m the right fit for you. Click this link to schedule your consultation at a time that works for you.


Frequently asked questions